vietnam national anthem

National anthems are a symbol of patriotism and distinctiveness for various countries around the world.

This beautiful and inspiring national anthem of Vietnam was composed by Pham Duy Tuong in 1918. It is a stirring tribute to the Vietnamese people and their country and is a perfect way to start any patriotic celebration.

Vietnam (1945-1976)

listen to the  “Vietnam national anthem lyrics” and watch the video are given below.

1. Soldiers of Vietnam, we go forward,
With the one will to save our Fatherland,
Our hurried steps are sounding on the long and arduous road.
Our flag, red with the blood of victory, bears the spirit of our country.
The distant rumbling of the guns passes over the bodies of our foes.
Overcoming all hardships, together we build our resistance bases.
Ceaselessly for the people’s cause let us struggle,
Let us hasten to the battle-field!
Forward! All together advancing!
Our Vietnam is strong, eternal.

2. Soldiers of Vietnam, we go forward!
The gold star of our flag in the wind
Leading our people, our native land, out of misery and suffering.
Let us join our efforts in the fight for the building of a new life.
Let us stand up and break our chains
For too long have we swallowed our hatred.
Let us keep ready for all sacrifices and our life will be radiant.
Ceaselessly for the people’s cause let us struggle,
Let us hasten to the battle-field!
Forward! All together advancing!
Our Vietnam is strong, eternal.

Vietnam (1802-1945)

Kìa, núi vàng bể bạc,
Có sách trời định phận.
Một dòng ta gầy non sông vững chặt.
Đã ba ngàn mấy trăm năm, Bắc Nam cùng một nhà, con Hồng cháu Lạc văn minh đào tạo.
Màu gấm hoa càng sẵn, cố yêu nhau, với nhau một niềm:
Nguyện nhà Việt Nam muôn đời thạnh trị.