Marching Orders lyrics Meaning

Michael B. Valentin

By Michael B. Valentin

Marching Orders song by The New Pornographers from Primary Album Brill-bruisers. The music is composed and produced by Joel. Genre is Indie Rock, Rock music. The Record company is unknown. Released on August 28, 2014.

Marching Orders
Marching Orders lyrics image

Marching Orders Meaning

[[Verse 1]
What do these marching orders mean?
Some half-lit fairy tale, I’d move out their dreams
It’s what they do, step one-two
Marching ten paces in front of you

[Verse 2]
Let’s put this countdown clock away
Unfinished parts of the death ray on the lawn
Let them rust, turn to dust
What the heart can’t imagine and trust

They, they say we can’t make this stuff up
But what else could we make?
They say we can’t make this stuff up
But what else could we make?

[Verse 3]
What do these marching orders say?
Spelled out in now-forgotten language, they leave
Your voice wept, don’t connect
What the fuse was put there to protect

They, they say we can’t make this stuff up
But what else could we make?
They say we can’t make this stuff up
But what else could we make?
, [Bridge]
Come on, really lose your voice
Come on, really lose it
Come on, really lose your voice
Come on, really lose it

They, they say we can’t make this stuff up
But what else could we make?
They say we can’t make this stuff up
But what else could we make?

They, they say we can’t make this stuff up
But what else could we make?
They say we can’t make this stuff up
But what else could we make?

No, your marching orders stay
Always despised so many ways so they’ll know
We won’t go, so hell no
We won’t go, so hell no
We won’t go, so hell no
We won’t go]

video was originally posted on: Youtube

Common queries

  1. Who is the person responsible for producing the lyrics of Marching Orders?

    This lirics prodiucer by A.C. Newman & John Collins.

  2. Who wrote the song Marching Orders

    Marching Orders song lyrics is written by A.C. Newman

  3. Which artist is featured in the credits for Marching Orders?

    The featured artist in the Marching Orders lyrics is Neko Case

  4. Can you tell me Who is the music Mixing Engineer

    Marching Orders song lyrics mixing Engineer by John Collins & David Carswell

  5. Who handled the recording for this song?

    Marching Orders lyrics recording Engineer is John Collins & David Carswell

  6. Who is the professional behind the mastering of the music?

    Marching Orders lyrics song mastering engineer is Greg Calbi

Michael B. Valentin

Hello there! I'm Michael B. Valentin, a Canadian professional focused on the translation and adaptation of song lyrics into English. Explore my published work in the M Section on this site.

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