Malina lyrics Meaning

Michael B. Valentin

By Michael B. Valentin

Malina song by Leprous from Primary Album Malina. The music is composed and produced by Joel. Genre is Progressive Rock, Rock, Norge music. The Record company is unknown. Released on August 25, 2017.

Malina lyrics image

Malina Meaning

[[Verse 1]
The sound of a rusty old clock
Broken windows, creaking doors
Cold breeze piercing through the blanket

There’s no way out
Every day, growing older
There’s nowhere to hide
Every day, moving slower

[Verse 2]
Still breathing heavy
Standing up, sore and aching
Grabbing the basket
On the brink of collapse
But still enduring

Enduring another day
Enduring another night

[Verse 3]
Arrogant looks
Hostile remarks
But still no choice
, [Chorus]
There’s no way out
Every day, growing older
There’s nowhere to hide
Every day, moving slower

There’s no way out
Every day, growing older
There’s nowhere to hide
Every day, moving slower

There’s no way out
Every day, growing older
There’s nowhere to hide
Every day, moving slower

There’s no way out
Every day, growing older
There’s nowhere to hide
Every day, moving slower]

The video came from: Youtube

Commonly asked questions

  1. What is the name of the producer of the lyrics for Malina?

    This lirics prodiucer by David Castillo.

  2. Who is credited with writing the music and lyrics to this song? Malina

    Malina lyrics song is written by Einar Solberg

  3. Who is responsible for mixing the lyrics

    Malina song lyrics mixing Engineer by Jens Bogren

  4. Who worked on the recording of the song?

    Malina lyrics recording Engineer is David Castillo

  5. Who is the professional that mastering the music?

    Malina lyrics song mastering engineer is Tony Lindgren

  6. Who is the vocalist behind the track?

    The Malina track vocalist is Einar Solberg

  7. Who provided vocals for the track?

    The composer of this song is Einar Solberg

  8. Who is the lyricist behind the track?

    The name of the lyricist of this lyrics song is Einar Solberg

Michael B. Valentin

Hello there! I'm Michael B. Valentin, a Canadian professional focused on the translation and adaptation of song lyrics into English. Explore my published work in the M Section on this site.

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