Maldives national anthem

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National Salute

We salute you, o Motherland, in unity
With an abundance with well-wishes in our very own tongue

Bowing our heads to your crescent moon and star
With our bright colours streaming in the air, we hail our buoyant flag.

Victory and good fortune be its alone
We salute the mighty red, white and green;

To those heroes who sought out honour and pride for the nation
We give salute today in auspicious verses of remembrance.

May there be fame and good weal for Maldivia land
And Maldivians’ name become grand

We wish for their freedom and progress in this world
And for their freedom from sorrows, and thus we salute.

With full respect and heartfelt blessing towards religion and our leaders,
We salute you in uprightness and truth.

May the State ever have auspicious honour and respect.
With good wishes for your continuing might, we salute you.


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Qaumee Salaam

Qaumee mi ekuverikan mathee thibegen kureeme salaam.
Qaumee bahun gina heyo dhuʽaa kuramun kureeme salaam.

Qaumee nishaanah hurumathaa eku boala’nbai thibegen,
Audhaa nakan libigen e vaa dhidha ah kureeme salaam.

Nasraa naseebaa kaamiyaabu ge ramzakah himeney,
Fessaa rathaai hudhaa ekee fenumun kureeme salaam.

Fakhraa sharaf gaumah e hoadhai dhevvi bathalunnah,
Zikraage mathiveri lhenthakun adhugai kureeme salaam.

Dhiveheenge ummen kuri arai silmaa salaamathugaa,
Dhiveheenge nan molhu vun adhai thibegen kureeme salaam.

Minivankamaa madhaniyyathaa libigen mi ʽaalamugaa,
Dhinigen hithaama thakun thibun edhigen kureeme salaam.

Dheenaai verinnah heyo hithun hurumay adhaa kuramun,
Seedhaa vafaatherikan mathee thibegen kureeme salaam.

Dhaulathuge aburaa ʽizzathaa mathiveri vegen abadhah,
Audhaana vun edhi heyo dhuʽaa kuramun kureeme salaam.


malaysia national anthem

national anthem of maldives lyrics 0–10
the maldives national anthem 0–10
national anthem of the maldives


ޤައުމީ ސަލާމް

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