Good Morning Sunshine lyrics Meaning


By George E. Anderson

Good Morning Sunshine song by The Narcissist Cookbook from Primary Album Album not found. The music is composed and produced by Joel. Genre is Pop music. The Record company is unknown. Released on None.

The video content came from: Youtube

Good Morning Sunshine Meaning

[[Verse 1]
Good morning
Welcome to the world, sunshine!
You can’t stay in bed forever
Remember the deal
Bed is for sleeping and masturbating
And you’ve had about as much as the human body can take of either of those so—(Fuck off!)
Nope, we’re going to get out of bed today, man!
Brace yourself, I’m like 90% certain you forgot to set the heating to come on this morning, so this isn’t going to be pleasant for either of us, okay
Three, two—
Not fucking around
Get out of bed
Come on!

[Verse 2]
Have a shower immеdiately
I know you think you’re fine and you smеll okay
You’re not and you don’t
And as soon as you get into the shower you’re not gonna want to get out of it again
And this is what we do
We get clean, we get our body feeling better
And then we put some clothes on, some fucking—Jesus Christ!
If you need to do a smell-check they’re not clean
That’s it, you know what
I’m adding do the laundry to today’s list
, [Verse 3]
Everybody has times they just want to stay asleep forever
It’s normal
Sometimes it lasts for days, weeks, months
Even years
Maybe you’ve been broken up with
Maybe you hate your job, you know
Maybe there isn’t a reason
Maybe just fuck everything, because fuck everything
But here’s the thing
No one ever got happier sitting around waiting to get happier
So stop making excuses and start making yourself some fucking breakfast
How is it almost 3 PM
Come on!

Good morning
Welcome to the world, sunshine
This is how we get better
Every day we wake up and we get out of bed
And we get dressed
And we clean up last night’s mess
And we keep doing these things, not because they’re guaranteed to make us feel good
But because failing to do them?
Guaranteed to make us feel bad
, [Verse 4]
And listen
I know, okay
I know it feels like I’ve just got you lugging heavy rocks around all day
For no reason
With no reward
But please trust me, I can see what you’re not able to see yet
This is not just a pile of stones, okay? (This is how we get better)
We are building a castle together (We get better)
And we are gonna to build it brick by heavy fucking brick (We get better)
And I’m going to be here with you, every moment (This is how we get better)
Talking you through it (We get better)
All you need to do is look at the ground in front of you
And put one foot in front of the other
And one day soon, I think
I hope
You are going to look up and you are gonna see
What we’ve been working on this whole time
You are going to see how far you’ve come
Rather than how far there is left to go
And eventually you won’t need me around so much anymore
One foot in front of the other
Pick up the rock
We are getting out of bed today]

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    Meet George E. Anderson, an accomplished singer/songwriter hailing from the UK. With a songwriting journey that began in 2015, my expertise spans across various genres, with a focus on folk, singer/songwriter, and rock music. I am well-versed in crafting compelling lyrics, which you can discover in the G and H categories on the following sites

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