what is the name of a song without lyrics


By Cynthia-G-Toups

I think that without any actual lyrics, a song is just a melody or tune. We have often heard the expression or question that “If a tree falls in the woods, would it make a sound?.”

While the answer to that may be more complete, some feel the same about songs without lyrics. There are people who feel that since a tune does not contain actual lyrics, then it isn’t actually a song.

However, there are names fortunes such as these and they are often referred to as melody or instrumental composition.


Source: https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-call-a-music-without-lyrics


Hello Cynthia G. Toups! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm the creator behind lyricstothesong.com, where we specialize in delving into the depths of song lyrics, uncovering their meanings, and celebrating the whimsy of nursery rhymes

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