venezuela national anthem

Glory to the brave nation
Which shook off the yoke,
Respecting law,
Virtue and honour.
Glory to the brave nation
Which shook off the yoke,
Respecting law,
Virtue and honour.

1. “Off with the chains! Off with the chains!”
Cried the Lord, cried the Lord,
And the poor man in his hovel
Implored freedom.
At this holy name,
there trembled
The vile selfishness
that had triumphed,
At this holy name, At this holy name,
there trembled
The vile selfishness
that had triumphed,
The vile selfishness
that had triumphed,


2. Let’s cry out aloud, Let’s cry out aloud:
Down with oppression! Down with oppression!
Faithful countrymen, your strength
Lies in your unity;
And from the heavens
The supreme Creator
Breathed a sublime spirit
Into the nation.
And from the heavens And from the heavens
The supreme Creator
Breathed a sublime spirit
Into the nation.
Breathed a sublime spirit
Into the nation.


3. United by bonds United by bonds
Made by heaven, Made by heaven,
All America exists
As a Nation;
And if tyranny
Raises its voice,
Follow the example
Given by Caracas.
And if tyranny And if tyranny
Raises its voice,
Follow the example
Given by Caracas.
Follow the example
Given by Caracas.


Spanish lyrics
Gloria al bravo pueblo
Que el yugo lanzó,
La Ley respetando
La virtud y honor.
Gloria al bravo pueblo
Que el yugo lanzó,
La Ley respetando
La virtud y honor.

1. ¡Abajo Cadenas! ¡Abajo Cadenas!
Gritaba el Señor; Gritaba el Señor.
Y el pobre en su choza,
Libertad pidió.
A este santo nombre
Tembló de pavor,
El vil egoismo
Que otra vez triunfó;
A este santo nombre, A este santo nombre
Tembló de pavor,
El vil egoismo
Que otra vez triunfó,
El vil egoismo
Que otra vez triunfó.


2. Gritemos con brío, Gritemos con brío:
Muera la opresión! Muera la opresión!
Compatriotas fieles,
La fuerza es la unión.
Y desde el Empíreo,
El supremo Autor,
Un sublime aliento
Al pueblo infundió.
Y desde el Empíreo, Y desde el Empíreo,
El supremo Autor,
Un sublime aliento
Al pueblo infundió.
Un sublime aliento
Al pueblo infundió.


3. Unida con lazos Unida con lazos
Que el cielo formó, Que el cielo formó,
La América toda
Existe en Nación.
Y si el despotismo
Levanta la voz,
Seguid el ejemplo
Que Caracas dio.
Y si el despotismo Y si el despotismo
Levanta la voz,
Seguid el ejemplo
Que Caracas dio.
Seguid el ejemplo
Que Caracas dio.



English translation
Glory to the brave nation
Which shook off the yoke,
Respecting law,
Virtue and honour.
Glory to the brave nation
Which shook off the yoke,
Respecting law,
Virtue and honour.

1. “Off with the chains! Off with the chains!”
Cried the Lord, cried the Lord,
And the poor man in his hovel
Implored freedom.
At this holy name,
there trembled
The vile selfishness
that had triumphed,
At this holy name, At this holy name,
there trembled
The vile selfishness
that had triumphed,
The vile selfishness
that had triumphed,


2. Let’s cry out aloud, Let’s cry out aloud:
Down with oppression! Down with oppression!
Faithful countrymen, your strength
Lies in your unity;
And from the heavens
The supreme Creator
Breathed a sublime spirit
Into the nation.
And from the heavens And from the heavens
The supreme Creator
Breathed a sublime spirit
Into the nation.
Breathed a sublime spirit
Into the nation.


3. United by bonds United by bonds
Made by heaven, Made by heaven,
All America exists
As a Nation;
And if tyranny
Raises its voice,
Follow the example
Given by Caracas.
And if tyranny And if tyranny
Raises its voice,
Follow the example
Given by Caracas.
Follow the example
Given by Caracas.
