Exploring the Delightful Nursery Rhyme: Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api


By Cynthia-G-Toups

The world of nursery rhymes is a captivating realm filled with delightful melodies and timeless stories. one such enchanting nursery rhyme that has been cherished by children and adults alike is “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api.” In this article, we will embark on a journey to discover the origins, meanings, and cultural significance of this beloved French nursery rhyme

Pomme de reinette et pomme d’api
Pomme de reinette et pomme d’api
Tapis, tapis rouge
Pomme de reinette et pomme d’api
Tapis, tapis gris.

Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api
Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api

The Origin of “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api”

The nursery rhyme “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” is a traditional French song that dates back several centuries. It is believed to have originated during the 17th century and has since become a cherished part of French folklore. The rhyme’s catchy tune and poetic lyrics have made it a favorite among children and a symbol of French culture.

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

The lyrics of “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” tell the story of two apples named Reinette and Api. Reinette, a yellow apple variety, and Api, a red apple variety, are depicted as a playful duo. The rhyme follows their mischievous adventures, highlighting their contrasting colors and personalities. The song is not only entertaining but also serves as a tool to teach children about colors and fruits.

Cultural Significance of the Rhyme

“Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” holds a special place in French culture. It is often sung during gatherings, preschools, and family events, fostering a sense of unity and tradition. The rhyme’s melodic nature and repetitive structure make it easy for children to learn and sing along, contributing to its enduring popularity. Additionally, the rhyme’s theme of friendship and cooperation resonates with people of all ages.

“Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” Lyrics in English

Many non-French speakers are curious about the meaning of the lyrics in English. While the literal translation of the song’s title is “Reinette Apple and Api Apple,” the lyrics themselves are more challenging to translate accurately. However, a loose interpretation of the song reveals a charming tale of two apples playing together and capturing the imagination of young listeners.

Pippin Apple and Lady Apple
Pippin apple and lady apple,
Carpet, red carpet,
Pippin apple and lady apple,
Carpet, grey carpet.

The Evolution of the Rhyme

Like many nursery rhymes, “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” has evolved over time, with variations in lyrics and melodies. Different regions in France have their own versions of the song, adding unique twists and local flavor. Despite these variations, the essence of the rhyme remains consistent, ensuring its continued popularity across generations.

Teaching Values Through Nursery Rhymes

Nursery rhymes play a vital role in a child’s development, offering more than just entertainment. They help children develop language skills, improve memory retention, and stimulate creativity. “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” is no exception. The rhyme teaches valuable lessons about friendship, colors, and the joy of play, instilling important values in young minds.

The Educational Benefits of Nursery Rhymes

Apart from teaching values, nursery rhymes have several educational benefits. They introduce children to rhythm, rhyme, and phonetics, enhancing their language acquisition skills. Singing along to nursery rhymes helps children develop an ear for sounds and improves their pronunciation. “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” provides a fun and engaging way for children to develop these crucial skills.

Variations and Adaptations in Different Cultures

Just as “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” has variations within France, it has also inspired adaptations in other cultures. Different countries have their own versions of the rhyme, often incorporating local fruits or characters. Exploring these adaptations not only exposes children to diverse cultures but also reinforces the universal themes of friendship and play found in the original rhyme.

Frequently Asked Questions about “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api”

Q: What is the meaning of “Reinette” and “Api” in the rhyme?
A: “Reinette” and “Api” are apple varieties commonly grown in France. The rhyme uses these names to personify the apples and create a playful narrative.

Q: Can you provide a rough English translation of the lyrics?
A: While a direct translation is challenging, the song loosely tells the story of two apples playing together and having fun.

Q: How can I teach “Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” to my child if I don’t speak French?
A: There are numerous resources available online that provide translations, phonetic guides, and even animated videos to help non-French speakers learn and enjoy the rhyme with their children.


“Pomme de Reinette et Pomme d’Api” is a nursery rhyme that has captivated generations with its whimsical storytelling and catchy tune. Rooted in French culture, this beloved rhyme teaches children about colors, friendship, and the joy of play. Its enduring popularity and the various adaptations across different cultures showcase its universal appeal. As we continue to cherish and pass down this charming rhyme, let us remember the power of nursery rhymes in shaping young minds and fostering a sense of shared heritage.


Hello Cynthia G. Toups! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm the creator behind lyricstothesong.com, where we specialize in delving into the depths of song lyrics, uncovering their meanings, and celebrating the whimsy of nursery rhymes

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