Poland National Anthem: History, Lyrics, and Significance

“Poland Is Not Yet Lost,” also known as “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego,” holds a significant place as the national anthem of the Republic of Poland. This anthem emerged during a tumultuous period in Polish history, expressing resilience and the nation’s unbroken spirit.

poland national anthem lyrics
Modern official Polish lyricsEnglish translation
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
Szablą odbierzemy.
Poland has not yet perished,
So long as we still live.
What the foreign force has taken from us,
We shall with sabre retrieve.
𝄆 Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski.
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem. 𝄇
𝄆 March, march, Dąbrowski,
From Italy to Poland.
Under your command
We shall rejoin the nation. 𝄇
Przejdziem Wisłę, przejdziem Wartę,
Będziem Polakami.
Dał nam przykład Bonaparte,
Jak zwyciężać mamy.

We’ll cross the Vistula, we’ll cross the Warta,
We shall be Polish.
Bonaparte has given us the example
Of how we should prevail.

Jak Czarniecki do Poznania
Po szwedzkim zaborze,
Dla ojczyzny ratowania
Wrócim się przez morze.

Like Czarniecki to Poznań
After the Swedish annexation,
To save our homeland,
We shall return across the sea.

Już tam ojciec do swej Basi
Mówi zapłakany –
Słuchaj jeno, pono nasi
Biją w tarabany.

A father, in tears,
Says to his Basia
Listen, our boys are said
To be beating the tarabans.



Initially titled “Pieśń Legionów Polskich we Włoszech,” the anthem gained its popular name “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego” from Jan Henryk Dąbrowski, a Polish commander who led the Polish Legions in Italy during the French Revolutionary Wars. Its incipit “Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła” has been translated variously as “Poland has not yet perished” or “Poland is not lost yet,” encapsulating the anthem’s message of enduring hope.

The Genesis of Resilience

Written by Józef Wybicki in 1797, “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego” emerged amidst the disintegration of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth due to the Third Partition of Poland. This anthem was intended to uplift the spirits of the Polish Legions under Dąbrowski, who fought alongside Napoleon Bonaparte in Italy. It conveyed the notion that Poland’s essence persisted even in the absence of political sovereignty.

The Musical Identity

The anthem’s music, an unattributed mazurka, embodies the essence of Polish culture. It reflects the fusion of melodic motifs that were popular among the gentry and bourgeoisie during that era. The synergy of music and lyrics became a potent force, instilling unity and courage among the Polish Legions.

The Evolution of an Anthem

As Poland regained its independence in 1918, “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego” naturally evolved into the nation’s unofficial anthem. This status was later formalized in 1927 when it was officially adopted as Poland’s national anthem. Its powerful message of hope in the face of adversity resonated beyond Poland’s borders, inspiring other nations’ struggles for independence.

Exploring the Lyrics

The anthem’s original lyrics consist of six quatrains with a repeated refrain quatrain, creating an ABAB rhyme scheme. These verses celebrate Poland’s heroes, from Dąbrowski himself to Napoleon, Stefan Czarniecki, and Tadeusz Kościuszko. The lyrics beautifully blend a call to arms with a plea to reclaim what foreign forces have seized, embodying the spirit of resistance.

Influence on Polish Identity

“Poland Is Not Yet Lost” goes beyond being a mere anthem; it embodies the soul of Polish identity. It encapsulates the notion that a nation can endure beyond political boundaries, kept alive by its people’s spirit. The anthem’s lyrics reflect not only Poland’s historical struggles but also its enduring commitment to freedom and sovereignty.

Impact on World History

This anthem’s influence wasn’t confined to Poland alone. Its stirring message reverberated across the globe, inspiring other nations grappling for their own independence during the 19th century. The Ukrainian national anthem and Yugoslavia’s “Hej, Sloveni” found their roots in the spirit of “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego,” underscoring its universal significance.


Q1: Who wrote the Polish national anthem?
A1: The original lyrics of the Polish national anthem were penned by Józef Wybicki in 1797 during the Polish Legions’ service with Napoleon in Italy.

Q2: What is the meaning behind the Polish national anthem?
A2: The anthem, “Poland Is Not Yet Lost,” symbolizes Poland’s enduring spirit even in the face of adversity and political turmoil.

Q3: How did the anthem impact other nations’ struggles for independence?
A3: The anthem’s message of resilience inspired similar songs in other nations fighting for independence, such as Ukraine and Yugoslavia.


“Poland Is Not Yet Lost,” or “Mazurek Dąbrowskiego,” stands as more than a national anthem. It encapsulates the essence of Polish identity, resilience, and the unbreakable spirit of a nation. As Poland’s unofficial anthem during its fight for independence and later its official symbol of unity, this anthem continues to reverberate through history, inspiring not only Poles but people across the world striving for freedom and self-determination.