namibia national anthem

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Namibië, land van die dapper

Namibië, land van die dapper,
Vryheid veg ons gewen het.
Eer aan hul dapperheid
Wie se bloed ons vryheid wateren.

Ons gee ons liefde en lojaliteit
Saam in eenheid.
Kontrasterende pragtige Namibië,

Namibië, ons land.
Geliefde land van savannas,
Hou hoog die vaandel van vryheid.

Namibië, ons land,
Namibië, Moederland,
Ons is lief vir jou.

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Namibia, Land of the Brave

Namibia, land of the brave
Freedom fight we have won
Glory to their bravery
Whose blood waters our freedom

We give our love and loyalty
Together in unity
Contrasting beautiful Namibia

Namibia our country
Beloved land of savannahs,
Hold high the banner of liberty

Namibia our Country,
Namibia Motherland,
We love thee.



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namibia national anthem history 0–10
namibia national anthem hip hop

namibian national anthem


The National Anthem of Namibia was written and composed by Axali Doëseb.

The motto of Namibia: Unity, liberty, justice.