mauritania national anthem

mauritania national anthem 30

Land of the proud, the guided, and the noble

Land of the proud, the guided and the noble
The fortress of the Book that can’t be bound
O Mauritania, the spring of harmony
The corner of tolerance, the haven of peace

We will protect you with our lives
and paint your hills with the color of hope
When you call, “yes!” is our answer

The crescent moons in your sky won’t wane
and the sun on your forehead won’t set
The noble Arabs enriched you
and the purest source is Africa’s

We drank the milk of dew and pride
A nature that brought a good harvest
and a fertile pasture, even when it’s barren
welcoming us as we ascend

We made your enemy drink a bitter downpour
so he couldn’t settle or rest
We resist him wherever he goes
Praying “Surely with hardship comes ease”

We followed the prophet along the path of the heavens
to the tree of glory above the sky
occupying The Pleiades as our stairway
drawing our border there

We took you as a vow and carried you as a promise
we happily give you up to the future generation

We will protect you with our lives
and paint your hills with the color of hope
We will protect you with our lives
and paint your hills with the color of hope

national anthem of mauritania 30

Bilada-l ubati-l hudati-l kiram

Bilāda l-ubāti l-hudāti l-kirām
Wa-ḥisna l-kitābi l-ladhī lā yudām
Ayā Mūrītāni rabī’i al-wi’ām
Wa-rukna s-samāḥati thaġra s-salām

Sanaḥmī ḥimāki wa-naḥnu fidāki
Wa-naksū rubāki bilauni l-amal
Wa-‘einda nidāki nulabbī ajal

Budūru samāiki lam taḥjabi
Wa-shamsu jabīniki lam taġrubi
Namāki l-amājidu min ya’rubi
Li’ifrīqīa l-manba’e l-‘adhabi

Ra-ḍha’anā libāna n-nadā wā-l-ibā
Sajāyā ḥamalna janān ṭayibā
Wa-mar ‘an ḥaṣībān, wa-in ajdabā
Samaunā, fakāna l-anā ar-ḥabā

Saqainā ‘aduaki ṣābān wa-murān
Famā nala nuzulān wa-lā mustaqarā
Nuqāuimuhu ḥaithu jāsa wa-murrān
Nurattilu in-na ma‘a l-‘usri yusrā

Qafaunā ar-rasūl bi-nahjin samā
Ila sidrati l-majd fauqa as-samā
Ḥajaznā ath-thurayyā lanā sullamā
Rasamnā hunalika ḥadda l-ḥimā

Aḥadhnāki ‘ahdā hamalnāki wa-‘adān
Wa-nhudīki sa’adān lijilin aṭal

Sanaḥmī ḥimāki wa-naḥnu fidāki
Wa-naksū rubāki bilauni l-amal
Sanaḥmī ḥimāki wa-naḥnu fidāki
Wa-‘einda nidāki nulabbī ajal


Marshall islands national anthem

mauritania, national anthem 0–10


نشيد وطني موريتاني

بلادَ الأُبَاةِ الهُدَاةِ الكِرامْ
وحِصْنَ الكِتابِ الذي لا يُضَامْ
أيا مَوْريتانِ رَبيعَ الوئامْ
ورُكْنَ السَّماحةِ ثَغْرَ السلامْ

سنَحْمي حِماك ونحِن فداكِ
ونَكْسُو رُبَاكِ بِلَوْن الأمَلْ
وعند نِداكِ نُلَبِّي أجَلْ

بُدورُ سَمَائِكِ لَمْ تُحْجَبِ
وشمسُ جَبِينِكِ لَمْ تَغرُبِ
نَماكِ الأمَاجدُ مِن يَعْرُبِ
لإفْرِيقِيَّا المَنْبَعِ الأعْذَبِ

رَضَعْنَا لِبانَ النَّدَى والإبَا
سَجَايَا حَمَلْنَ جَنًى طَيِّبَا
ومَرْعًى خَصِيباً، وإنْ أجْدَبَا
سَمَوْنَا، فَكَانَ لَنَا أرحَبَا

سَقَيْنا عَدُوَّكِ صَاباً ومُرًّا
فَمَا نالَ نُزْلًا ولا مُسْتَقَرَّا
نُقَاومُهُ حَيْثُ جَاسَ ومَرَّا
نُرَتِّلً إنَّ مَعَ العُسْرِا يُسْرَا

قَفَوْنَا الرسولْ بِنَهْجٍ سَمَا
إلى سِدْرَة المجد فوقَ السَّمَا
حَجَزْنَا الثرَيَا لَنَا سُلَّمَا
رسَمْنَا هُنالِكَ حَدَّ الحِمى

أخَذْنَاكِ عَهْدًا حَمَلْنَاكِ وَعْدًا
ونُهدِيكِ سَعْداً لِجِيلٍ أطَلْ

سنَحْمي حِماك ونحِن فداكِ
ونَكْسُو رُبَاكِ بِلَوْن الأمَلْ
سنَحْمي حِماك ونحِن فداكِ
وعند نِداكِ نُلَبِّي أجَلْ

mauritania national anthem score


national anthem of mauritania is the nation anthem of what country