Luxembourg national anthem

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Our Homeland

Where the Alzette through meadows flow,
And pebbles the Sauer mow,
Along the Moselle bloom the vines,
As Heav’n gifts us wine:
This is the land, for honour whose,
No ordeal proves too great:
Our homeland which could never lose,
Our hearts’ rank and rate.

In her dark wreath of woods,
Guarded still by the peace,
With no boastly attitude,
She lovingly smiles with ease!
Her people may with gladness say,
That no dreams go forlorn:
How pleasant ’tis here to stay,
How good ’tis to be home.

Sing, sing, on high berg and wide dale,
The earth who bore our births,
Our love with faithful echo still,
Our hearts beat with mirth!
For her, no song too august be,
And with ev’ry word said,
The soul shook as thunderclap,
And eyes aflame made.

O Thou above, who night and day,
Guides nations with thine own hand,
Guard this, our Luxembourger land,
From alien yoke and pain!
As children, thou us bestowed,
A spirit, free, unbowed,
Let once more freedom’s sun,
For now and all time glow!

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Ons Heemecht

Wou d’Uelzecht durech d’Wisen zéit,
Duerch d’Fielsen d’Sauer brécht,
Wou d’Rief laanscht d’Musel dofteg bléit,
Den Himmel Wäin ons mécht:
Dat as onst Land, fir dat mer géif
Hei nidden alles won,
Ons Heemechtsland dat mir so déif
An onsen Hierzer dron.

An sengem donkle Bëscherkranz,
Vum Fridde stëll bewaacht,
Sou ouni Pronk an deire Glanz
Gemittlech léif et laacht;
Säi Vollek frou sech soë kann,
An ‘t si keng eidel Dreem:
Wéi wunnt et sech sou heemlech dran,
Wéi as ‘t sou gutt doheem!

Gesank, Gesank vu Bierg an Dall
Der Äärd, déi äis gedron;
D’Léift huet en treie Widderhall
A jidder Broschts gedon;
Fir, d’Hemecht ass keng Weis ze schéin;
All Wuert, dat vun er klénkt,
Gräift äis an d’ Séil wéi Himmelstéin
An d’A wéi Feier blénkt.

O Du do uewen, deen seng Hand
Duerch d’Welt d’Natioune leet,
Behitt Du d’Lëtzebuerger Land
Vru friemem Joch a Leed;
Du hues ons all als Kanner schon
De fräie Geescht jo ginn,
Looss viru blénken d’Fräiheetssonn,
Déi mir sou laang gesinn!

The National Anthem of Luxembourg was written by Michel Lentz and composed by Jean Antoine Zinnen.

The motto of Luxembourg: We wish to remain what we are.

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