Lighthouse Lyrics


By Cynthia-G-Toups

Lighthouse Lyric is a song by Icelandic singer-songwriter Axel Flóvent. It was released on May 12, 2017, and quickly became a hit among music lovers. The song’s soothing melody and thought-provoking lyrics have captured the hearts of many, making it a timeless masterpiece.

Information Details
Produced By Hans Francken
Written By Axel Flóvent
Release Date May 12, 2017
Tags Rock, Iceland, Indie, Folk

Lighthouse Lyrics

Lighthouse Lyrics

Cold day calling me now
It’s waiting for the fight
Like nothing will satisfy my soul

The opening lines of Lighthouse Lyric set the tone for the rest of the song. The cold day represents a difficult time in the narrator’s life, and he feels as though he’s in a constant battle. He’s searching for something that will fulfill him but can’t seem to find it.

Something in your reflection
Helps me understand
Which way I should turn from here

The narrator finds solace in someone else’s reflection. He sees himself in this person and realizes that they can guide him towards the right direction. This could be a reference to a mentor, a friend, or even a romantic partner.

And you found my forest fall in everything
While you stay until the rest of the night

The chorus of the song highlights the impact that this person has had on the narrator’s life. The metaphor of a forest falling in everything could refer to the narrator’s life falling apart, and this person being the one who helps him put it back together. The person stays until the rest of the night, indicating that they’re there for the long haul.

Why do I keep the hours
I’m trying to find a way
Feel like I am losing my mind again

The second verse of Lighthouse Lyric delves deeper into the narrator’s struggles. He’s struggling to find his way and feels like he’s losing his mind. The phrase “keep the hours” could mean that he’s spending a lot of time trying to find his way, but it’s not working out for him.

And you found my forest fall in everything
While you, stayed until the rest of the night
And you, made me notice why I try my best
Still you, lost your own ideas of leaving this place

The chorus repeats, highlighting the importance of this person in the narrator’s life. They’ve made him realize why he’s trying his best, even though they’ve lost their own ideas of leaving this place. This could mean that the person is stuck in a situation that they can’t escape from, but they’re still there for the narrator.


Q: Who is Axel Flóvent?

A: Axel Flóvent is an Icelandic singer-songwriter known for his indie-folk sound and introspective lyrics.

Q: When was Lighthouse Lyric released?

A: Lighthouse Lyric was released on May 12, 2017.

Q: What is the meaning behind Lighthouse Lyric?

A: Lighthouse Lyric is about finding solace in someone else and how that person can guide you towards the right direction. It also explores the struggles of trying to find your way in life and how having someone by your side can make all the difference.

Q: What is the metaphor of a forest falling in everything?

A: The metaphor of a forest falling in everything could refer to the narrator’s life falling apart, and the person is the one who helps him put it back together.

Q: What is the genre of Lighthouse Lyric?

A: Lighthouse Lyric is classified as indie-folk.


In conclusion, Lighthouse Lyric is a timeless masterpiece that explores the struggles of finding one’s way in life and the importance of


Hello Cynthia G. Toups! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm the creator behind, where we specialize in delving into the depths of song lyrics, uncovering their meanings, and celebrating the whimsy of nursery rhymes

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