democratic republic of congo national anthem


By Cynthia-G-Toups

The National Anthem of the Democratic Republic of Congo was written by Joseph Lutumba and composed by Simon-Pierre Boka.

The motto of the Democratic Republic of Congo: Justice, Peace, Work.

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Arise Congolese

Arise Congolese,
United by fate,
United in the effort for independence.

Let us raise our foreheads, long curved
And for good, let’s take the most beautiful momentum,
In peace.

O ardent people
Through hard work
We will build a country more beautiful than before
In peace.

Sing the sacred hymn of your solidarity
Salute the golden emblem of your sovereignty

Blessed gift, Congo!
Forefathers, Congo!
O country, Congo!

Beloved, Congo! We will populate your soil
and we will ensure your greatness.
Thirty June, O sweet sunshine
Thirty June, from June 30th
Sacred day, be the witness,
Sacred day, of the immortal
Oath of Freedom
What we leave behind
To our posterity


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Telama besi Kongo

Telama besi Kongo,
Mvukani, mu n’kadilu,
Mvukani, mu kikesa mu diambu dia kimpwanza.

Tuvumbula mbunsu,
Zafumbana ntama,
Ye tuka buabu Tusasuka tuamanta,
Mu yenge,

N’kangu kikesa,
Muna Kisalu,
Sa tutunga Nsi, ya mpuena luta ntama,
Mu yenge.

Besi nsi,
Luyimbila, nkunga wa n’longo, Wa nsalasana eno,
Ye lulendo,
Lukunda, kidimbu kia wolo kia kimfumu kieno.

N’kayilu usambuka,Kongo,
Wa bakulu,Kongo,
Nsi ya zolua,Kongo,

Sa tuasema ntoto aku ye
Sa tuasikila m’vuma aku
Nsuka ya yuni muini wa buita,
Makumatatu ‘k’matatu ma yuni,
Lumbu kia n’longo kala mbangi,
Lumbu kia n’longo kia kuele mvu,
Ya ndefi ya kimpwanza,
Kua batekolo beto.
Mvu ye mvu


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Debout Congolais

Debout Congolais,
Unis par le sort,
Unis dans l’effort pour l’indépendance.

Dressons nos fronts, longtemps courbés
Et pour de bon prenons le plus bel élan,
Dans la paix.

Ô peuple ardent
Par le labeur
Nous bâtirons un pays plus beau qu’avant
Dans la paix.

Entonnez l’hymne sacré de votre solidarité
Saluez l’emblème d’or de votre souveraineté

Don béni, Congo !
Des aïeux, Congo !
Ô pays, Congo !

Bien-aimé, Congo ! Nous peuplerons ton sol
et nous assurerons ta grandeur.
Trente juin, ô doux soleil
Trente juin, du trente juin
Jour sacré, soit le témoin,
Jour sacré, de l’immortel
Serment de liberté
Que nous léguons
À notre postérité
Pour toujours.

words of the democratic republic of congo national anthem in french 0–10
words of the democratic republic of congo national anthem in


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